Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Funny for the Day...

Just had to post this conversation I just had with Jayde... We were watching Hannah Montana (Jayde's new favorite show) and during one of the commercials they were talking to the Jonas Brothers (one of the tweeny boy bands). Well one of the Jonas Brothers has Type 1 Diabetes and he was talking about how Diabetes has affected his life and what not. So I turned to Jayde and told her that he has the same thing that Ryann has. Jayde turned to look at me and then said "Maybe Ryann can marry him"! LOL! I busted up gotta love how a 6 year old thinks! Kids, they really do say the darndest things!

On a side note, Doug is still at the doctors with Ryann so as soon as they get home I will post another update on how that went!

And I realize that I haven't posted any pictures for a while. That's because my camera is still dead and I'm still waiting for my new battery charger and new back up battery. It is just killing me to not be able to grab my camera and take pictures when I want to. I think the mailman is going to think I'm stalking him! So as soon as I get my charger I will be posting a bunch of pictures...or to keep everyone happy until than I can post a few oldies but goodies that I haven't shared before........

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