Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We flew the coop...

Jaxon is now known as "the wild Boy" on the peds floor! Poor guy was just so bored and was bouncing off the walls wanting to get out so bad! He was pretty happy when they finally sprung us around 10:30 or so. Then we of course had to wait another half hour or so at the pharmacy to get all of his meds (and some diabetes stuff for Ryann that we were running out off). He's been a bit grouchy today (and yesterday too). But you know, who can really blame him I don't like being stuck in a hospital either! It was a new experience for me...usually I'm the one who stays in the hospital with the kids. But this time it was Doug who stayed since CJ goes to bed the best for me and he doesn't know how to do the girls hair and they had school! So anyways, we got home fed him some lunch, took a shower and than went to go pick up his sister and brother from Grandma's. He played there for a while until Mr. Grouchy Boy hit again and I knew he needed to get home and get a nap. We put Blue's Clues on and he crashed, poor guy has been through alot the past couple days. He has to stay on steriods (gets them twice a day) for 4 more days and he has his inhaler that he gets every 4 hours for 4 days and than after that we just use his inhaler as needed and we will follow up with our own doctor sometime next week and see what he wants us to do.

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