Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fun at the Park

Every Thursday this summer there is a playdate scheduled for all for all of the preschool families and anyone else they want to invite along. Today was the first scheduled playdate. The park was one that was just down the road from our house so after the kids had eaten breakfast (which we had homemade donuts!! YUMMO) I got everyone dressed and we headed out the door. I was so glad to see Ryann's old teacher from a couple years ago there (she won't be back at Preschool next year, she's trying to get a job teaching in the school district and we wish her nothing but the best though we will miss her a ton!!) We just love her though, she brought a bunch of cookies to share with all the kids, and she brought books to read (and puppets to go along with them)! I hope that she will try to be at most of the playdates this year.

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