Monday, June 25, 2007

Still hanging in there!

Just got back from my doctor's appointment and everything is looking good. I'm still at 3 cm dialated and he said I might be a little over half way thinned out. But my cervix is still not showing the "signs" or having the feel of going into early labor at the moment. But the baby is sounding great and measuring well and my weight and blood pressure looked good. So it looks like this little guy is behaving himself for now! Guess my little talk with him of waiting for his daddy to get here has been paying off! LOL! My next appointment is next Monday, my OB has that week off so I'll be seeing one of the other doctor's in the practice, but then the week after that will be "show time" so to speak. I'll go in on Thursday the 12th and have my amnio done and than get induced on the 14th! Doug got his tickets to come home! Hopefully he won't run into any delays. The kids are sooo excited that he'll be here soon. Doogie even made a countdown calendar for the occasion and every day marks another day off!
Otherwise things are going well. We are still working on the whole potty training thing with Ryann. At first she was pretty excited about it, but now I think she is realizing that this is work! So she isn't quite into any more. She does okay as long as I remind her constantly to go in and use the potty. But she hasn't been telling me herself when she needs to go. So I'm hoping something is going to click soon and she'll just start doing it! It would definitely be nice to have her out of diapers by the time this guy is born! Right now we are working on the sticker chart (which she does like...but I think the "newness" of it has worn off some) with the promise of when she fills up her chart with stickers she'll get to go to the store and pick out a toy of her choice. She definitely likes the toy I'm hoping that will get her more motivated. So we've been basically sticking close to home for the most part so that she can use that potty, and I really don't feel like dealing with any "accidents" while we are out and about!

So anyways, we are just hanging out and enjoying the nice weather! The kids definitely sleep alot better when they spend most of the day outside! So that's about it for us at the moment...but I will update if anything else happens! :) I've added some recent pics of the kids enjoying the nice summer weather!

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